How to get from Bangkok to Koh Phangan

You have many options how getting from Bangkok to Koh Phangan. It can be plain, bus, train, boat. You can choose cheap or fast method arrive to Koh Phangan.

Cheapest way to get from Bangkok to Koh Phangan

The cheapest way is going by bus and ferry boat. Buses to Suratthani leave from the Southern bus terminal in Bangkok at 7:00 pm. It will take up to 12 hours to arrive. Busses depart regularly during the day, and arrive to Suratthani between 1am and 5am, you will have some time before boarding your ferry to the island. 
There is a comfortable bus and ferry option offered by Lomprayah company with buses leaving from Khao San Road in Bangkok. It is a good option if you are staying in the area. The bus brings you directly to the pier in Chumphon and Lomprayah catamaran delivers you to Koh Phangan via Koh Tao. Book a couple of days in advance.

How to get Koh Phangan from Bangkok airport

Best option arrive to Koh Phangan from Suvarnabhumi airport using plane to Koh Samui. This planes departure from Bangkok every 2 hours and it takes 1 hour to get to Koh Samui.
From Samui airport you can use Haad Rin Queen boat which go from Big Budda pier to Haad Rin beach, it will take 50 mins to get to Koh Phangan.

Getting to Koh Phangan via Suratthani train + bus + ferry

You have many options going by trains heading down to the south from Bangkok. You can choose from the cheapest fan seats to the comfortable AC 1st class sleepers leaving during the day. There is a very convenient #85 train departing from Hua Lamphong train station in Bangkok at 7.30pm and arriving to Suratthani around 7am. The 2nd class sleeper gives you enough privacy with personal curtains; the 1st class sleeper is a more comfortable but costs nearly double.
Limestone cliffs, farmlands and epic jungles pop up throughout the journey if you will choose early train.
With a joint ticket to Koh Phangan you will be picked up at the station in Suratthani about one hour after your train arrives and transported to Donsak Pier and then to Thong Sala Pier on Koh Phangan.

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